Alright, this is going to be a very uncomfortable conversation for many, but someone needs to step up. This is a topic I never directly talk about, but today we are going to talk about it. We are going to have an adult conversation about Q. More specifically, the people who talk about Q, the Anons.
To preface my statements, those that have known me, know I go back to the beginning. I’ve been following the drops since Halloween, 2017. I used to be popular anon on Twitter under many different names, I’ve read every drop a plethora of times. I’ve followed the entire time. I’m an Anon, I just intentionally avoid directly talk about Q to create a message more digestible for normies, and all those who are turned off by the Q community.
So Q is back to posting after zero comms for 18 months, which has obviously sparked a lot of excitement in the Anon community. But with this excitement, comes a slew of new terrible decodes/interpretations and egregious stretches to make connections that simply are not there.
Folks, you need to recognize that it’s different this time around. We have built a big-ass audience over the past 18 months. We are literally the news now. I’m breaking massive stories like Russia targeting US biolabs, while the media are praising nazis and pushing fake war propaganda. Big name guests like Gregg Phillips, Kash Patel, Dinesh D’Souza, Trump’s Lawyer Peter Ticktin, etc., have been coming onto Anon podcasts and shows. A lot of people come to Anons for their news now, because the media have completely fallen off of a cliff and we are providing the ACTUAL NEWS.
Not with drops and decodes, but with real-world proofs like Biden tanking the country, gas prices, election fraud via mail-in voting, C19 came from Wuhan lab, Durham, Russia accusing the DNC of crimes against humanity via bio-genocide, Hunter Biden laptop and dirty dealings in Ukraine, Epstein. All these real-world proofs have drawn people to us, because we were right about all this stuff and the MSM was dead wrong.
Now that Q is back, this actual news and proof will be muddied with popular Anons in the community making asinine “decodes” like finding 765 spaces between the words in a random drop, dividing it by 17 and it equals 45, and that somehow means that all of Q is legitimate.
Stuff like this may be fun for people, but it doesn’t help the movement in any way. All of the people who are going to buy into these ridiculous non-connections are people who already follow Q. You’re not waking anyone up. You’re not helping. But here’s how it hurts the movement:
-it gives critics low hanging fruit to discredit -it deters normies because it doesn’t make any sense or prove anything -it lessens the impact of real proofs via association
I was inspired by a Truth from @IET17 and he’s 100% correct.
“The time for obscure, reaching, and convoluted proofs is over.”
I couldn’t agree more. Clearly I don’t speak for everyone, but I highly suggest the entire Anon community do a serious self-evaluation of themselves, as well of what content they deem viable to post/promote.
Too many in the community forget what the main objective of the mission is. The mission is NOT to see who can get the most followers or get 10k likes on a funny meme. The mission is to wake up normies to assist white hats with global acceptance for high profile arrests and crimes against humanity. That’s your one job, and it’s LONG overdue for everyone start taking it more seriously.
Shape your message to reach a broader audience instead of catering to the same echo chamber. Stop trying to legitimize Q with decodes, and let the real-world proofs come in real time. We’ve seen a million of them. We don’t have to make any up.
Use discernment before posting something. If you have to think if it’s a proof, it’s not a proof. There should be ZERO stretching involved. Stop trying to find 17s in everything. Just talk about the content of the drops, and how they relate to the real-world happenings. THATS IT.
Look at the MSM, the first thing they bring up about “QAnon” followers is that they think JFK Jr. is alive and working with Trump and “2 more weeks”. Subjects made up by followers, completely unrelated to the drops, Q directly refutes it, and it’s still the first things the critics resort to when looking to discredit Q.
The things critics point to, are never directly from Q, it’s always from followers who don’t know how to interpret the drops or Anons guessing on dates that big things will happen. The critics point to these things instead of the drops themselves, because quite frankly, Q was right about pretty much everything, with the major exception being that people will be held accountable, which obviously hasn’t happened.
The overall themes and narratives incontrovertibly have validity, and that’s all we need to wake up normies. The story given to them by the MSM has fallen apart and people are looking for alternative sources for news. We claim we are the news now, it’s time everyone started acting like it.
Big name accounts, people with large followings, please, use some discernment and stop reaching for stuff that’s not there.
Anon community, please, use some discernment on who you follow and what you promote.
I know these are exciting for the community, but everyone needs to recognize the opportunity we have here. We need to get organized, and everyone needs to understand your role in the mission and execute said role. That’s it. Your mission is to wake up normies, not scare them away. DO YOUR JOB!
I've read some full tard shit here. And people saying thank you Q. Lmfaoo Q doesn't post here. 😂🤣
I'm not so sure about that. During the past 18 months of silence, it would make sense that the Q team might try to give a "nudge" from time to time, under assumed names that we wouldn't recognize, just offering tidbits here and there, sliding an irrelevant or incorrect thread the right way. At the very least, I'm quite sure the Q team has been monitoring this board in real time to see how the psy-op is going, where it needs to be course-corrected, etc. So I'm pretty sure that the team HAS indeed posted and/or replied comments here.... we just perceive them as anons and move on.
The first rule about Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club. And the first rule of a psy-op is you don't talk about psy-ops.
I could see this. I mean have we ever seen Q and u/sleepydude in the same room at the same time? I think not 🤔
But bio’s overall gist is correct. Q gave us the keys and we have been unlocking doors ever since. It’s great if he’s back, sure does inject a lot of excitement and reignite the movement. We just have to remember spreading truth/light in a world of lies and darkness is our mission, with or without Q.
Nah, I'm not Q.
I can prove it too.
My unhinged rants about the Acroamatic Symbol Language (Comms) would be grounds of getting my, supposed, security clearance wiped and me taken out for treason.
It'd be the equivalent of handing out the radio frequency codes to the United States Secret Service.
Q did as much as possible to lay out the framework of the Comms language without just straight up saying all world governments use Acroamatic Ciphers.
When we didn't catch on to the Comms language, Q pulled it back and only hinted at it from there one. Q's last "fully" transparent post was this one:
Despite the initial optimism, the vast majority of people cannot grasp the abstraction necessary to form these types of connections.
Even my efforts have limited success here, where it'd be most likely to succeed without volatile pushback on the ideas. I'm honestly surprised the DeepState hasn't knocked on my door yet... Some of the research threads I'm holding in reserve and themes I'm still playing around with are quite threatening if they took hold on mainstream conspiracy circuits. Either I'm wrong or they don't wanna risk proving me right? Meh, it's probably the former.
I know exactly where you are coming from .......I think there are quite a few pretty smart people in this forum and in this movement BUT even they cant grasp the abstraction as you put it...