In a nutshell.... I like it when complex technical issues can be broken down to a simple statement like that. I remember years ago, pre-digital age, Isaac Asimov used to write short, pithy articles that made complex ideas easily understandable. One such article was about the binary computer language, it was called "1, 10, Buckle My Shoe." In a very few pages he made binary numbers fully understandable to me. Brilliant!
In a nutshell.... I like it when complex technical issues can be broken down to a simple statement like that. I remember years ago, pre-digital age, Isaac Asimov used to write short, pithy articles that made complex ideas easily understandable. One such article was about the binary computer language, it was called "1, 10, Buckle My Shoe." In a very few pages he made binary numbers fully understandable to me. Brilliant!