It is a very sad thing with how pathetic part of society is now days. People have been given the gift of vast knowledge for free and available on mobile phones but instead of being productive, these dipshit clowns are on trash apps like tiktok instead of improving themselves.
I like how if there's something I haven't repaired before that I can find many youtube videos on how to do it myself. Some people just waste hours watching useless videos. A lot of these people have very limited knowledge on most things including the constitution.
They watch reality TV shows, sitting on their couches, stuffing their faces with junk food getting fatter and lazier. It is true though that people are addicted to their nearly unlimited entertainment options available now days.
I guess I'm among those the elites dislike since I make use of my time, I don't do drugs, very rarely drink alcohol now days. I don't use social media unless forums like this count as social media now days.
It is a very sad thing with how pathetic part of society is now days. People have been given the gift of vast knowledge for free and available on mobile phones but instead of being productive, these dipshit clowns are on trash apps like tiktok instead of improving themselves.
I like how if there's something I haven't repaired before that I can find many youtube videos on how to do it myself. Some people just waste hours watching useless videos. A lot of these people have very limited knowledge on most things including the constitution.
They watch reality TV shows, sitting on their couches, stuffing their faces with junk food getting fatter and lazier. It is true though that people are addicted to their nearly unlimited entertainment options available now days.
Klaus Schwab says, "All people need are screens and drugs."
I guess I'm among those the elites dislike since I make use of my time, I don't do drugs, very rarely drink alcohol now days. I don't use social media unless forums like this count as social media now days.