The Executive Branch does not have, and has never had, "quasi-legislative power." Neither do the courts, which is what the current Supreme Court is unraveling.
Congress passes statutes. The Executive Branch implements regulations to implement those statutes. They do not have authority to create regulations that go beyond the statute.
The fact that Congress is made up of mostly gutless cowards, who want to destroy America, and therefore want to pass the buck of responsibility to the agencies, is irrelevant. The Constitution defines what the powers are.
Also, 100% of the power of the Executive Branch is vested in the office of the President. Those other agencies are only a sub-set of that.
If the defendant's delegation is unconstitutional, then most of government is unconstitutional.
Justice Kagan, meet the 9th and 10th Amendments. It's about time you fucking read them.
The Executive Branch does not have, and has never had, "quasi-legislative power." Neither do the courts, which is what the current Supreme Court is unraveling.
Congress passes statutes. The Executive Branch implements regulations to implement those statutes. They do not have authority to create regulations that go beyond the statute.
The fact that Congress is made up of mostly gutless cowards, who want to destroy America, and therefore want to pass the buck of responsibility to the agencies, is irrelevant. The Constitution defines what the powers are.
Also, 100% of the power of the Executive Branch is vested in the office of the President. Those other agencies are only a sub-set of that.
Justice Kagan, meet the 9th and 10th Amendments. It's about time you fucking read them.
"most of government is unconstitutional."