I’m in a very rural area, two lane highway. For the past couple months people can’t seem to stay on their side of the yellow line. I drive the white line, always have, my father taught me to drive that way. At first I thought maybe it was just people not paying attention but I’m starting to realize maybe these people can no longer ride the white line… idk, but tons of car accidents, even a couple killed on a utv. It’s crazy.
I’m in a very rural area, two lane highway. For the past couple months people can’t seem to stay on their side of the yellow line. I drive the white line, always have, my father taught me to drive that way. At first I thought maybe it was just people not paying attention but I’m starting to realize maybe these people can no longer ride the white line… idk, but tons of car accidents, even a couple killed on a utv. It’s crazy.