What I believe the DS is planning 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by Zi0ns_walls ago by Zi0ns_walls +24 / -0

With COVID they saw how easy it is to lock people down in their own homes, with minimal resistance.

The Vax and the negative impact it has on the unwitting victims.

The ever increasing virus mentions in the media that this is still on their gameplan.

The global economic, food destruction and oil crisis, meaning we will poor, malnourished and limited energy for cars and home.

The riots that will take place after the midterms, that they are sowing the seed for right now.

They will try to either steal the midterms or they will cause such violence that they will go martial law, and then release a virus that causes people to be locked in their homes during the winter.

The energy crisis will be at its peak during winter and will kill or seriously weaken the vaccinated that there will be no fight back from the encroaching tyranny.

They're creating the conditions for a mass genocide in winter.

I'm trying to find a scenario that connects the dots and I think this will be the easy way for them.