For all the oldfags... (POTUS Initial D edit)
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Initial D Stage 5 has the best soundtrack in IMHO. Gas, gas, gas and The Top are amazing.
I've always wanted to own those old arcade machines.
Round One has the new ones:
Both are fun as hell!
Download teknoparrot and then the initial d files for the arcade game you want.
I've been playing initial d infinity arcade on my pc with a controller. You can set up a steering wheel set too.
Fyi Stage Zero is the newest one from 2017. Infinity is from 2014.
If you like Initial D check out Wangan Midnight. It's a good series and they have arcade games like Initial D as well. Its highways racing. You can also play on Teknoparrot
I'm familiar with that one. It's great. I actually troubleshot that hardware once.