posted ago by TheGreatPumpkin ago by TheGreatPumpkin +9 / -0

How can we shut down this Drag Queen story hour crap? I have an idea, but I need feedback as to wether it would work or not. The idea sounds wrong and it’s very risky. I think it would work though. Sometimes we have to make a sacrifice I. Order to accomplish the main goal. We need to shut this crap down and honestly in my opinion it should be illegal to speak in any way to someone’s child in a sexual tone or language. It should be common sense not to try and shove sexual promiscuity down the innocent minds of a child. period. So drastic times call for drastic measures. Here’s my idea. Open mind, open forum!

What if we had a group of women, reguardless of age and body type, dress like a bunch of strippers in lingerie (mostly clothed, but looking like strippers) start a story time. They would have to sound erotic in thier tone but not say anything we wouldn’t say to a child. The whole thing would be to get attention and get it to lead to the public and legal system saying , “no you cannot do that.” We want these ladies to get arrested for this. Do not commit a crime, but do something so outrageous that everyone says hell no!

So why do Drag Queen get to do this nasty crap to children? Because no law enforcement has said he’ll no. They don’t want to offend the , themssses! I think they would tell strippers no in a heartbeat. Nlthey are not afraid to offend strippers. Or we could have a hooker story hour. All of these things are wrong. If president is set then we can say no to all of it. Sorry for my thought while driving and having to type this at a quick stop. God bless