Can I ask a stupid question? Wouldn't land owners only, ban people who live in apartments from being able to vote? Or people who were landowners, but lost their house due to natural disaster and are having to live with someone else thereby making them not a land owner?
Banning people who live in apartments from voting seems like it'd ban a lot of trump supporters/conservatives since there are a lot of trump supporters/conservatives who don't have their own place. What about people currently serving in the military wouldn't they be banned as well since they don't own any land? Land owners only seems to be a bad way to vote. Not to mention there are a lot of "sheep" who are land owners. Land owners only voting wouldn't guarantee conservatives winning elections since as I said there are a lot of Democrats/sheep who are land owners idk if they outnumber conservatives or not, but you'd be taking a lot of votes away from conservatives
Ok I wasn't sure that's why I asked. Regardless the rest of my statement stands that allowing land owners only would ban a lot of conservatives from voting and would only make a small dent in the democrats/sheep from voting since there's a lot of sheep/dems who vote. In regards to military voting a lot of people in the military live on bases which I would assume would limit them just like those who live in apartments from voting.
Can I ask a stupid question? Wouldn't land owners only, ban people who live in apartments from being able to vote? Or people who were landowners, but lost their house due to natural disaster and are having to live with someone else thereby making them not a land owner?
Banning people who live in apartments from voting seems like it'd ban a lot of trump supporters/conservatives since there are a lot of trump supporters/conservatives who don't have their own place. What about people currently serving in the military wouldn't they be banned as well since they don't own any land? Land owners only seems to be a bad way to vote. Not to mention there are a lot of "sheep" who are land owners. Land owners only voting wouldn't guarantee conservatives winning elections since as I said there are a lot of Democrats/sheep who are land owners idk if they outnumber conservatives or not, but you'd be taking a lot of votes away from conservatives
Ok I wasn't sure that's why I asked. Regardless the rest of my statement stands that allowing land owners only would ban a lot of conservatives from voting and would only make a small dent in the democrats/sheep from voting since there's a lot of sheep/dems who vote. In regards to military voting a lot of people in the military live on bases which I would assume would limit them just like those who live in apartments from voting.