Apparently twatter is still infested with censorship-crazed marxist turds. Mr. Peterson apparently spoke out about a sad little woman-deluded-into-thinking-she's-a-man/tranny having her breasts removed. Calling out body mutilation by the mentally ill is apparently still verboten over at that bastion of satanic narrative propagation, twatter. Does Mr. Musk have control of this firm's serious problems with respecting the 1A or not? Perhaps the remaining DS have just lost all care for the upcoming accountability they're going to have to face.
He sounds pretty bad. In this instance, however, he appears to be calling out the doctors that perform these mutilation surgeries as criminal. I'm not okay with censoring this as "hate speech" and kicking him off the social media platform because he's not getting in line with the body-mutilating tranny agenda.