Apparently twatter is still infested with censorship-crazed marxist turds. Mr. Peterson apparently spoke out about a sad little woman-deluded-into-thinking-she's-a-man/tranny having her breasts removed. Calling out body mutilation by the mentally ill is apparently still verboten over at that bastion of satanic narrative propagation, twatter. Does Mr. Musk have control of this firm's serious problems with respecting the 1A or not? Perhaps the remaining DS have just lost all care for the upcoming accountability they're going to have to face.
I agree with what your post said and it reflects my position in my above comment.
I really don't know much about JP at all, why I went searching in GAW to see others' takes on him. Thank you for your weighing-in on him as you're obviously more knowledgeable about JP than I am. The above link discussing JP was worth reading to see both sides.
My main contentions in this post are that twatter is still censoring along the marxist narrative and Musk, who the last I'd heard was still in the process of purchasing the twatter firm, seems to have absolutely nothing to say about this. In fact, it seems he's been twitter-silent for awhile now (so I hear).
Opinions on JP seem to be a mixed bag, just like Musk. I'm about fully on the fence with Musk as it's hard to reconcile what seems like, perhaps 70% positive-speak and action versus 70% negative-speak and background, numbers just pulled out of thin air as a general sense of the mountains of pro vs con arguments regarding him.
We've heard lots from Musk in the past about 1A with regards to twitter. As the person in the process of purchasing the firm, his weighing-in on the JP suspension would seem appropriate and would likely help spread awareness. We all know he doesn't (yet) "control" twatter, but he does have influence when he speaks out against censorship. It would seem like a real good time for Musk to call out current twatter leadership for allowing censorship of a person - whether or not one likes him - who decries doctors involved in body mutilation surgeries. Just mho.