Apparently twatter is still infested with censorship-crazed marxist turds. Mr. Peterson apparently spoke out about a sad little woman-deluded-into-thinking-she's-a-man/tranny having her breasts removed. Calling out body mutilation by the mentally ill is apparently still verboten over at that bastion of satanic narrative propagation, twatter. Does Mr. Musk have control of this firm's serious problems with respecting the 1A or not? Perhaps the remaining DS have just lost all care for the upcoming accountability they're going to have to face.
I have to wonder though, what's the difference between him telling people to get the jab and Trump telling people to get the jab?
I'm not the person to ask about JP's stance on "vaccines" (aka experimental drug injections); perhaps ask anon SelfReliancePepe. In general though, if a person advocates for people to take the jab, if you want, that it should not be mandated, and that there's no reason for kids to get it, it's a lot different than those who suggest taking it because otherwise you're a science-denying, socially-irresponsible, grandma-killing, should not be allowed to buy groceries and are responsible for everyone's misery at being locked-down person.
I agree. There is a huge difference between the two. Dr. Peterson took it but has stated that he took the jab because he thought they would leave him alone. They did not. He does not believe in mandates and hasn't said anything about kids needing the jab. He does not advocate for the jab or Vax mandates. I'd say JP falls under the first group you mentioned, same as Trump.