Nor in Illinois, I went to the primaries and there was a sign right on the check-in desk saying that ID is not required in Illinois.
Interestingly I could just barely see the screen the guy was looking at and when he was looking over the little form I had to fill out with my name, address, and what ballot I wanted and sign it I briefly saw an image of my signature from some other file (maybe driver's license) come up on the screen which he was apparently comparing with my signature on the form I had just handed him.
Nor in Illinois, I went to the primaries and there was a sign right on the check-in desk saying that ID is not required in Illinois.
Interestingly I could just barely see the screen the guy was looking at and when he was looking over the little form I had to fill out with my name, address, and what ballot I wanted and sign it I briefly saw an image of my signature from some other file (maybe driver's license) come up on the screen which he was apparently comparing with my signature on the form I had just handed him.