Holy Hell, Fed Chairman blames inflation on the Unvaccinated…
🧠 These people are stupid!
“What did we get wrong? — Believing everyone would get vaccinated and the millions of people who dropped out of the labor force would come back and the wages wouldn’t be under such pressure.”
So he is saying, people not getting vaccinated & the shock of the "war" are to blame for the manufactured supply issues we are facing.
What about closing down and restricting businesses in the name of fear of spreading coof? What about paying people to stay home and sending out stimulus checks? What about killing domestic energy production?
How about this as causative factors: stopping the different drilling areas in the Gulf, Keystone, Alaska, and others; refusing to sign leases for further exploration; forcing/paying/blackmailing companies to mandate an EUA shot with a multitude of adverse reactions/deaths which does not function as a vaccine to provide any benefit-resulting in massive unemployment by those who object to following government dictates; Sending massive amounts of money to the Ukraine for which there is no accountability; cut backs on diesel fuel production further increasing trucking prices and as a result prices of all goods; slow down at the West Coast shipping ports with no end in site; encouraging and aiding in a massive influx of illegals for which the Federal government pays housing, health care, education, phones, money to live, while making LEGAL citizens pay for health care or not be able to afford health care, pay for college education while illegals have their’s free or subsidized.
SSSSsshhhhhhh..... we're not supposed to talk about such things!! The Left requires magical thinking, a belief in pixie dust and unicorns, and that they can repeal the Laws of Economics and the Laws of Physics. So we don't discuss root causes that any moron could understand. The Demwit Party is not full of morons, that's too high a rating... more like complete imbeciles.