Holy Hell, Fed Chairman blames inflation on the Unvaccinated…
🧠 These people are stupid!
“What did we get wrong? — Believing everyone would get vaccinated and the millions of people who dropped out of the labor force would come back and the wages wouldn’t be under such pressure.”
So he is saying, people not getting vaccinated & the shock of the "war" are to blame for the manufactured supply issues we are facing.
What about closing down and restricting businesses in the name of fear of spreading coof? What about paying people to stay home and sending out stimulus checks? What about killing domestic energy production?
The brainless morons are going to eat this up, they created this whole mess with the scare that hundreds of millions are going to die, that was Fauci's fear campaign during the first few months of the pandemic. Everyone flipped out causing TP shortages etc. Everyone was panicking. 2/3's of businesses were labeled un-essential and had to close down, people refused to work because of the fear.
But then it turned out that it was not a pandemic, doctors were bored dancing in empty hospitals. Then Trump dumped a shitton of stimulus checks further inflating the dollar, then Biden went fucking balls to the wall printing even more more more more more. Then the government threatened no jab or no job.. businesses agreed and many lost their jobs because they were smart enough not to get the jab. Then tens of thousands died from the jab, millions of people's immune systems have been damaged and many cannot or refuse to work because of their aids-like symptoms. Now we are here, the fed is blaming the citizens for their fuck ups, their overprinting, their forceful coercion making people lose their jobs. Hitler scapegoated a small segment of minorities to cause irritation to the average German citizen... guess what's going to happen next?
The difference is that Hitler's scapegoats weren't the heavily armed portion of the population.