Green energy is NOT GREEN. There is no such thing as GREEN ENERGY.
ALL energy production produces byproducts. The 2nd and 3rd law of thermodynamics need to be taught to the greenies, so they will realize the GREEN ENERGY DREAM is nothing more than a big government scam to transfer money into the hands of the crooks. If the government wouldn't throw our tax dollars at these GREEN ENERGY PROJECTS, they would die, because they would NEVER produce enough power to pay for the project. NEVER!
They KNOW this. People pushing green energy either don’t know what they are talking about (parrots), know they are wrong and are afraid to admit it (sheep) or have a hidden agenda. It’s all pushed and funded and kicked along by the people with the hidden agenda.
The green energy push is part of The Great Reset agenda.
No more gas cars. Only electric.
Can't afford electric? Public transportation!
Don't live by a train station? Don't worry: owning your own home isn't carbon-nehtral so you'll be living in a super-cityhub!
Green Energy is just code for legislating private homes and vehicles out of existence for ultimate control.
Green energy is NOT GREEN. There is no such thing as GREEN ENERGY. ALL energy production produces byproducts. The 2nd and 3rd law of thermodynamics need to be taught to the greenies, so they will realize the GREEN ENERGY DREAM is nothing more than a big government scam to transfer money into the hands of the crooks. If the government wouldn't throw our tax dollars at these GREEN ENERGY PROJECTS, they would die, because they would NEVER produce enough power to pay for the project. NEVER!
They KNOW this. People pushing green energy either don’t know what they are talking about (parrots), know they are wrong and are afraid to admit it (sheep) or have a hidden agenda. It’s all pushed and funded and kicked along by the people with the hidden agenda.
The green energy push is part of The Great Reset agenda.
No more gas cars. Only electric. Can't afford electric? Public transportation! Don't live by a train station? Don't worry: owning your own home isn't carbon-nehtral so you'll be living in a super-cityhub!
Green Energy is just code for legislating private homes and vehicles out of existence for ultimate control.
Green energy is the new quack perpetual energy...