NataliePortmanteau 4 points ago +4 / -0

I also came up with the same scheme a decade ago and found the same results: digitally on free play it works every time. Once you're in a live setting, suddenly you get seven blacks in a row and then five red in a row. The ball was thrown off two different tables in one casino I tried this betting strategy.

Yes. They have a smart system that detects this betting strategy in casinos and purposely manipulate the natural odds. Even going from testing digital runs to live action digital switches to this smart system.

Remember: with gambling the house always wins.

NataliePortmanteau 5 points ago +5 / -0

If it came to that, literally target the major media centers and those who work in them. A small handful of people work in media and even fewer in influential positions (hence "the elite").

We are many, they are few.

NataliePortmanteau 9 points ago +9 / -0

Started seeing those gay-ass "In This House" signs from people experiencing extreme TDS in my hometown 6 years ago.

I moved far away from that place. Haven't seen one of those stupid signs on a front lawn in years. Feels good man.

NataliePortmanteau 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't go out unless I'm wearing a non-branded shirt, preferably button-down, tucked or untucked depending on feeling or situation, knee-length shorts if it's the summer, jeans or pants otherwise, always a belt, never flip-flops, always wearing socks, and loafers or boots. A brim hat in the winter.

People will respect you if you respect yourself.

NataliePortmanteau 9 points ago +9 / -0

This was the Big Buy-In of The Left by normies. It was "Trump Is Racist & Anyone Who Supports Him Too Is!" For 4 years, followed by massive pressure (also politicized) from the gov't, businesses, and your fellow citizens to take an untested experimental vaccine for the cold, and anyone who resisted was harassed, shunned, lost their jobs, etc.

So their side is complete. The same people who have entered terminal TDS are also die-hard Vaxxers. And they're desperately trying to convince them now that the "extreme right" (aka anyone not on their side) are the greatest threat to "their" democracy and must be dealt with severely.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

I truly believe any civil war will come from conservative states and populations snapping under some new insane tyrannical shit like COVID again this winter (October Surprise) and will use the mass backlash as reason to secure mail-in voting.

Don't underestimate the democrat base. These people are deeply entrenched and only dug further in as a means of survival.

Every fucking idiot you still see wearing a mask in public is a potential enemy. These as the assholes who threatened your livelihood and liberty. Treat them like the scum they are. Ask how ugly they must be under that mask, especially if they're a woman. Shame them.

But I know my state will never buckle to any sort of mask/fake pandemic bullshit. If you think yours will, you are deep into enemy territory. Fight back. Cough around people wearing masks. Be rude to them in stores. Just say you didn't see them there. Or treat them with extreme suspicion. Eye them in public. If they get strident ask why they fuck are they wearing a mask in public and say you assume they're hiding something. Perhaps if in public ask out loud if there's a police nearby since covering one's face is suspicious activity, especially in public places like stores.

Counter their reality. Point out their absurdity. They're all too pussy to do anything to you anyway and you'll make them uncomfortable where they thought they dominated.

NataliePortmanteau 3 points ago +3 / -0

What helped my growth as a person in both facets of faith and practical life was ACCEPTING the mistakes of the past and agreeing with the people calling them out.

This is why the right will never, ever bend the knee to the left.

I do not give a shit about the past and I have no direct or indirect link to it. My family were serfs for centuries, we had it shitty too. And then I showed up in the early 1980s. And nothing before is my responsibility. Largely, outside of my small sphere of influence, I have no effect on anything like most people. So leave me the fuck alone. Also, maybe prejudices and racism exist because groups of people act like assholes constantly and fuck up the present, where I live.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well they can't finish their cover-up if they don't get an article published questioning it once but never follow up.

That's a lot of quiet money to easily embezzle launder using imprisoned Americans as a front.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

...or you could just encourage people to use birth control. How about you give everyone 1000-count supply of condoms and birth control pills? There, now we don't need mass blind genocide of the unborn anymore.

NataliePortmanteau 3 points ago +3 / -0

Random unrelated fact: deafening is a great violence tactic against an opponent in hand to hand combat.

If you're ever square against someone and need an escape, cup your free hand and smash them against the side of the head on their ear with your palm.

One good strike should blow their eardrum out. They will instantly lose equilibrium and you can use this moment to gain dominence in the fight.

Most likely the poor bastard will instantly reel at their eardrum being permenantly shattered, however, and any raining blows will only be thudded yet amplified by your thorough beating on your now -stunned assailant.

However, he'll only remember the eternal echo of his eardrum being permanently shattered forever as a reminder of his encounter with you.

NataliePortmanteau 6 points ago +6 / -0

Starve the beast. If there's one industry that cannot survive without appealing to the public, it's the entertainment industry.

They literally cancelled and ARE NOT RELEASING an entire $100 million movie, and are massively reshooting another (The Flash) to ensure woke garbage doesn't destroy the DC Universe. I'm sure Marvel is now pulling hard to figure out how to change course ASAP. Disney is now slandered as Groomer. Every new "multicultural interpretation" of rebooted properties has uniformly failed for years now. Doesn't matter what the WEF wants; the entertainment industry ultimately only cares about $ and continual public favor in every direction. Based on the Target Disaster, I can only imagine other companies in the US are also now waking up to Woke.

NataliePortmanteau 16 points ago +16 / -0

It's actually so companies are considered compliment to WEF standards.

No large corporation isn't in lock-step with WEF initiatives. Or they cease to be a large corporation.

And that is a textbook example of fascism. Only on a global scale.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hilariously they also reveal there is no actual motivation for citizens of any outside country to actually care about this, it's just specifically a goal that furthers their larger (evil) goals.

No more rhetoric about poor Ukrainians in a war - frankly people in the US are pissed we're pouring all this $ and resources while the US teeters on the brink. No more rah rah freedom talk for the poor Ukrainians. Not when the grip is tightening around America's collective throat. No more talk of peace when the US has been fighting amongst itself for years and our leaders are only more to keep stoking that war.

Nope. Just, "This has to happen because it's part of our big dumb evil plan so shut up and agree." This is how they fail. They forgot that people don't give a shit unless there's a reason to give a shit. And the US citizens have spoken: fuck the Ukraine. We're drowning.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0


Woke broke this year. It never really took off like they wanted; their base are radicals, queers, and blacks. Not exactly significant demos, minus gays but they even alienated them with trans garbage.

H'wood is reeling and quickly changing course bc ultimately it's about making $, not a message. Corporations are quietly pivoting away from their weirdo cultural pushes (see: the Target disaster).

Media (TV, papers,news) is always going to be propaganda bc that's their raison D'etre but aside from literally trying to choke the internet to death they can't stop people from congregating wherever they can to produce the counter(real)-narrative.

This too will fail bc again, $ is the actual purpose. If the D party wants to go all-in they can crack down on censorship but that would have the opposite effect they're looking for. Way to ruin your own shitty plans, Stupids.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

This. People don't understand that most "famous" people's lives are pretty much rented unless they tour like crazy and make investments.

Because the record company literally puts them in indentured servitude. You're signed. Great! Here's your advance. Seems like a lot of money! But all costs for everything -- your recording time, musicians, producer fees, then artwork and promotional material, video costs, and you now have to hope you sell enough records to cover THAT cost.

Well, time to make your actual cash: touring! Only that's all on your dime too. In fact, you are a medium-sized business at this point, now paying against door take and hoping you make a profit at end of tour.

Long story short: Lizzo is paying for her entire image and if she isn't smart will be enjoying, if not a fast food gig, than a grueling one that involves touring to pay off debts or keep her head above water. And that's a special kind of hell on earth.

NataliePortmanteau 5 points ago +5 / -0

Shh that just leads to other uncomfortable questions, like who the fuck do the WEF think they are? I didn't vote for these pedophile monsters to be our unquestioned ruler.

NataliePortmanteau 2 points ago +2 / -0

The sheer flooding of the populace's receptors with extremely powerful unnatural drugs combined with the tsunami of stimulate that the modern world offers has created the perfect malleable atomized populace. The Future is already here and has been, it's just the few left out of their hypnotic state that refused the drugs and media. The lunatics now run the asylum and wonder why you're so angry when they're blissed out.

I now pray for a CME to tear away the modern artifice. A lot of people won't make it. Fortunately they wouldn't be much use if they did anyway.

NataliePortmanteau 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. Obama is CIA. Young idealist with a bizarre background that doesn't make sense on paper, apparently a ghost at his own alma mater, then suddenly he's set up in Chicago politics and rapidly ascends to the national stage. Nope, nothing weird about that.

NataliePortmanteau 7 points ago +7 / -0

Cuckshaw. Lost his eye when a penis got lodged there.

NataliePortmanteau 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just commented in another thread, but it is shocking how strident feminists and lesbians opened their arms to trans men.

Trans men are the blackface of women. They're an abomination and a massive in-your-face insult to women everywhere. The fact they're trying to force acceptance of them into previously gender-restricted spaces tells you what the left actually thinks about women.

NataliePortmanteau 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes. There was one guy in my school that liked to dress up like a girl. He was ridiculed for it. Still is.

NataliePortmanteau 8 points ago +9 / -1

OK one-day old account shill

Obvious shill is obvious. All previous posts have been deleted. Only been posting 1 day. Shill detected.

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