3 drops in a leaky bucket. We need the flood. All jail cells full, GITMO full, court dockets full, All their illegal assets confiscated and 24 x 7 x 365 media coverage of arrests, take downs, trials, executions. Re-distribution of their assets to We The People, Trump back in office, release of black shelved technologies, abolishment of the Fed, gold and silver backed currencies, abolishment of the IRS, an 85% reduction in the size of government, education re-imagined, medicine re-imagined, and last but not lease, a return to GOD. Now quit harping on how much has been done. We've taken one step on a journey of a thousand miles and you're saying but look how far we've come??
3 drops in a leaky bucket. We need the flood. All jail cells full, GITMO full, court dockets full, All their illegal assets confiscated and 24 x 7 x 365 media coverage of arrests, take downs, trials, executions. Re-distribution of their assets to We The People, Trump back in office, release of black shelved technologies, abolishment of the Fed, gold and silver backed currencies, abolishment of the IRS, an 85% reduction in the size of government, education re-imagined, medicine re-imagined, and last but not lease, a return to GOD. Now quit harping on how much has been done. We've taken one step on a journey of a thousand miles and you're saying but look how far we've come??