I've been musing about this topic for more than a week. Hard to put pen to paper, as it were. But, in response to another post on the board, I think I finally managed to bang this out to some extent. It's still not quite there, but I'll post, and see what others think.
Naturally, over the past week, there has been a lot of discussion re: returned Q, and whether this is really Q, the same Q, or a larpy Q, etc. Folks hanging out for some 'confirmation', for some verification, like signs from Potus, like 0 delta stuff, etc, etc.
Not to be disparaging at all, but personally, I don't really get that. I mean, I would say that most vet-anons came to their conclusions re: Q not from one or two posts, but by tracking Q, seeing all the info, feeling the vibe, watching the world, and doing their own digs. That deep-seated conviction re: who or what Q is isn't something that should come from one or two or three posts. IMO.
For me, one of the early, most powerful confirmations of the legitimacy of Q was the nature of the online communities that Q posts gave birth to: the camaraderie, solidarity and good will among Q patriots on Reddit/GreatAwakening, for example, was, to me, unprecedented.
Internationally, so much good will and dare I say unity among disparate people around the world meeting in an online forum. It was awesome! Does anyone recall when we were doing the "found this Q in the Wild!" posts for a few months?
(I mean, where on any internet 'forum' can you find such good will and mutual solidarity as, for example GAW today?)
But, back to topic. I'm not really quite sure why so many pedes feel the need to get confirmation of the returned Q. I guess I understand it, but I don't resonate with it.
I've been tracking Q closely since Jan 2018, but going through the last 18 months, the first 6 months of which were pretty darn tough, I've come to realize that I just don't 'need' Q anymore. Let me explain.
By "not needing Q" I mean, in July 2022, the activity or inactivity of Q does not reprepresent the same pivotal hook ,or anchor, for my work, my online activity, and my anonism, if you will. I've learned to contribute, analyse, and fight in the information war, all without Q posting. After all, 'we have more than we know'.
I can certainly still engage with relish and rush to do a Q analysis as ever. But the questions around who or what this returned Q is are not paramount in my mind.
How did I get here?
After the November 3rd event, and specifically after just waking up every day dazed for the two something + months from Nov 3 until Jan 20, I went through a period of difficulty trying figure out what the Q operation was about. There was far too much evidence and I had far too much experience for me to even imagine Q was/is not legit, but I found myself asking: Why? What's going on? What's the purpose of the Q operation then? What is/was the operation designed to achieve? etc.
I remember grappling with that for at least 4+ months post jan 20, 2021. Thankfully, (ironically) the Covid Nonsense hit with a vengeance, and that became my primary focus on those early months of 2021. Based on everything I'd learned from and with Q, I knew the Pandemic was a Scamdemic, so waking up people around me to this most lunatic of scams became a real focus.
Then, as the country and particularly the state I lived in went into the most extreme lockdowns this side of Wuhan, I realized the online fight as a digital warrior need to be taken offline now as well, into the local arena. Why? Because the Cabal was directly attacking my family, my community, my society and people, outside my front door. Literally.
However, with regards to Q and what was habbening, or NOT habbening, in the US of A, I went through a 'dark night of the soul' sort of experience. And, I know many anons if not all the early anons, went through this process in some shape or form. A case of sink or swim.
But here's the kicker: Without the Boss around, without Q posting and giving all that informational and motivational input, I had to learn to run on my own steam, IN this FIELD of operation, in this war, but without Q at the head of the line.
(I can only imagine that for US patriots, the absence of the Don must have felt the same way. Sink or swim.)
Q posting was like having training wheels. Q posting was like having the General around to give you directions, which made things a lot easier while you are learning the ropes. And, under 3+ years of Q, I grew up a whole lot as a digital warrior.
But come June 2022, I'm stronger, more robust, and more convinced of Q's legitimacy than I ever have been. The past 18 months have shaped me just as much, if not more, than Q posting for 3 years shaped me. And now, it's kind of like, while being LOT'S of FUN and certainly exciting, the 'Return of Q' just isn't that critical to my functioning in this war zone.
I think Q trained me well, both by posting and by NOT posting, so now it's kinda like, I don't even NEED Q. And, accordingly, whether this returned Q is the same Q, a different Q or some larpy nuffnut playing funny buggers - well, it's just not that critical a question for me right now, at this moment.
I got my marching orders from God, from the Son, from the Leadership of DJT, and via Q and the Great Awakening, and whether or not returned Q is Q, that's not going to change, as far as I can see. And, if it does, coolio. But I'm not hanging on it. I'm just not that green anymore.
Please note: I'm not disparaging the analysis and discussion around "Is this Q? is this not Q? What's with the Trips? What's with the TOR? etc. etc."
The more discussion the better. And, it's a really, really NICE thought that newbie anons who have come on board post-Jan 2021 can have the experience of reading Q in realtime and feel all the excitement and adrenaline of live Q work.
But, how do I say this? Those 18 months without any Q drops - I've been through the wringer and found my lodestone in the dark. My conviction and my determination have been unalterably whetted. The past 18+ months have paradoxically bolstered my mental and spiritual muscles, and if Q had never returned, I'd still be fine, A-OK.
So, while it's great and awesome (if) (that) Q is returned to post, it's just not that critical to me at this point whether this is the same Q or not. I almost know that I'll find out in due course exactly what all this recent activity is really about. And, it's fun, to boot. But whatever it is, there is far too much momentum now: nothing can stop what is coming.
I wonder how many other anons feel this way.
(Besides, being unable to post or connect with Truth Social (international anon) has only just deepened my ability to be patient, and still focus on doing what I can.)
I really like the notion, put out there by some, that the "Q confusion" - aka TS @Q (nee@q), Tripcode Q, non-Tripcode Q, etc - all this is deliberately designed to troll the MSM and raise the intensity. (I mean, for Pete's sake, we have MSM news programs now even anti-decoding Q in real time, doing segments on Q, for example).
And as someone said (don't recall who): The return of Q is the ballsiest move you could imagine. Either Q is the greatest Larp in all human history, or Q is 100% legit and fully what he (they) purport themselves to be.
Yeah, yeah. I can go with that.
I guess what I am saying is that I am now far more Q-independent. As in "OK Boss. You post, you don't post: don't worry about me. I'm not going anywhere".
I know I really benefited from Q posting live and being involved in all that live, while I was earning my anon wings. But now, anything Q is all icing, it's all cream on top of the cake. Meanwhile, I can still dig!
-And that is why, in some bizarre way, for me, Q returning is simply not that big a deal (even though it's a big deal!)_