Lake mead 60 day deadline by dept of Reclamation to restore water levels
Jun 30, 2022 The Dept of reclamation has issued an august deadline to come up with a conservation Solution between the 7 Upper and lower basin states or the Fed Government Threatens to step it.
They are consuming too much water and are unable to conserve it, the feds just stepped in (Bureau of Reclamation) and have threatened a 60 day deadline for the upper states of the Colorado River to come up with a solution. Will they do anything? Probably not, and there goes water & power for California, etc from the Hoover Dam.
We can always restart the large coal burning electrical power plants in Texas after the Supreme Court decision.
That might help. 😲
IIRC Texas is completely disconnected from the rest of the US power grid, and this was intentional so that power in Texas cannot be regulated by the federal government, because it is not interstate commerce.
So while I like where you're thinking, I think at this juncture it's not possible.
There are ties for emergency power near OK and Mexico but you’re spot on, def won’t help west coast. Starting up coal plants will help TX pedes tho 😁