Newbie welcome thread.
Hey there handshake!
Come on in don't be shy.
This is a good place to ask questions.
4958 posts covered a lot of topics. None of us can remember everything, but collectively I bet we'll do ok.
Anons are here to help. How can we help you?
My wife used to follow this site faithfully and finally registered an account here last year, so that she could ask a question about the law of war manual. She politely and intelligently asked her question and was promptly rewarded with a message that she was "permanently banned". We were both dumbfounded. I moved on to post over at Patriots, where no one seems to be threatened by questions but she just shrugged and moved on. A shame; she only wanted to be educated on a particular matter and thought that people here could help her with that. Instead, she was catapulted right out. She's never read this site since.