New data shows up to 70% of Americans are refusing additional jabs. I do believe the country has woken up. Let's hope the remaining 30% are prying their eyes open.
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆

From what I've noticed, the breakdown of the country looks like this: 1/3 completely and unquestioningly trust and obey whatever the media or government tells them. 1/3 trust the media and the government, but are skeptical if either hold their best interests at heart and may not obey them. 1/3 do not trust a word the TV says and view the media and government as the same entity that is trying to kill them.
It seems political lines are drawn around similar percentages.
Yeah, what I was pointing out wasn't specific to just the vaccine propaganda. It seems to apply to basically everything regarding media and government in the US. Not sure about other countries though.