I call bullshit. The idea that an actual 10 year old ended up pregnant is just silly. 90%+ of 10 year olds aren't even menstruating yet thus are physically incapable. So she's an early bloomer and fully sexually active at 10? WTF!
The first menstrual bleeding is referred to as menarche, and typically occurs about two years after thelarche.[49] The average age of menarche is 12.5 in the United States.[54] Most American girls experience their first period at 11, 12 or 13, but some experience it earlier than their 11th birthday and others after their 14th birthday. In fact, anytime between 8 and 16 is normal. In Canada, the average age of menarche is 12.72
I call bullshit. The idea that an actual 10 year old ended up pregnant is just silly. 90%+ of 10 year olds aren't even menstruating yet thus are physically incapable. So she's an early bloomer and fully sexually active at 10? WTF!