Lol.. Haight Ashbury.. Woodstock.. the Adults in the room along with Society in general did not agree with it.. That’s WHY so many Grew Up to realize it was just rebellion.. now look at the supposed Adults and Media Pushed Culture when it comes to the Alphabet soup crew or any other issue 😳🤯🤯 God says raise a child in the way of the Lord and they will stray but they’ll come back… So many of these young people have nothing to come back to because they are not being taught morals and proper values !!
OK, now do 1967 vs 2022.
Lol.. Haight Ashbury.. Woodstock.. the Adults in the room along with Society in general did not agree with it.. That’s WHY so many Grew Up to realize it was just rebellion.. now look at the supposed Adults and Media Pushed Culture when it comes to the Alphabet soup crew or any other issue 😳🤯🤯 God says raise a child in the way of the Lord and they will stray but they’ll come back… So many of these young people have nothing to come back to because they are not being taught morals and proper values !!