More Information Uvalde School Shooting Was Cabal Controlled! No One Needed To Die.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
Video proof pops out on GWP showing officers had clear shots of the douche entering classroom, and requested to take him out. They got No, Zero, Zilch response! And so the douche was able to kill 19 Americans freely! If you don’t think this was Cabal controlled to take our 2A Rights, you just might be intellectually challenged.
Shooting happens in a town where the sheriff is an Act-Blue donor, supported Beto, supported anti-gun legislation, has his own daughter killed in the classroom but didn't send his guys in for an hour? All this happens in Matthew McConaughey's home town in the year that he's planning on running for governor of Texas.
Yeah, nah...nothing suspicious here.