Georgia Guidestones demolished !!! New World Order having a bad day!
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This is just stupid vandalism of private property, and a violation of the builders' first amendment right of freedom of speech. There is no connection to the New World Order, and even if there were, it would still be immoral to wantonly destroy someone else's property. Taking pleasure in this destruction is no different from applauding the riots and arson that destroyed city centers: you don't like it?---destroying it is good! I am currently reading a book about the rise of Adolf Hitler and this resonates so much with the terrible behavior of the Brownshirts.
There is no way to acquire a population of 500 million without nefarious actions to obtain it. You think such a proclamation should be allowed to stand on US soil? I don’t think so.
Says the man who denies freedom of speech. God forbid you should ever come into power.
God destroyed pagan statues in the Bible. This is no different.
This is totally different. God did not destroy the Guidestones. Men did. Unless you think that men are empowered to act as though they were God. In which case, my prayer still holds.
Hahaha GO BOOM ! What you are witnessing is the Claw of God! No connection to New World Order eh... hmmm stones say they want 500million world population... a little down from 7 billion would you say?
Words are merely words. Supposedly, we have a nation built on the principles of freedom of speech, religion, etc. What's next in your New World Order? Dynamiting the New York Times building? Or a mosque? You are cut from the same cloth as the guy who says "That done blowwed up real good!"
oh go back to sleep and get another vaxx clot shot if you think that thing was just an 'expression of free speech' by some poor innocent georgia farmer
I'm not vaccinated, so keep your bigotry to yourself. Whoever made those Guidestones are indeed to be presumed innocent of any crime you care to name, and, even if not, still enjoy freedom of speech. You are no better than a Nazi Brownshirt who likes to look down his nose at Jews and relish their misfortunes.