Georgia Guidestones demolished !!! New World Order having a bad day!
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The evidence has been released by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation from surveillance video: a time-lapse of a culprit walking to the stones and then away from them. God does not leave calling cards, but perpetrators leave bombs.
You’d think they’d want to investigate evidence of that, but no, we’ll just destroy the whole thing 24 hours later. By the way, did the perp have a trumpet?
What little I read indicated that the remaining structure was so weak and unstable that it was an imminent danger to anyone next to it. The supposition is that the perp had a bomb. They should have been able to identify, tag, and take into custody any pieces with explosive residue on them.
That cap stone was barely touched, I don’t buy it.
Care to publish your analysis? Do you have photos and a physical assessment of the stones post-explosion? Ever seen a hairline crack? (I think I know what the answers are.)