Also picked up today that the FBI & Mi5 held a joint meeting in the u.k. without an agenda except the usual China China China diversion
This is how a govt removes a prime minister in the UK. You obviously don't understand how it works. They do this every few years when a PM fucks up. Its happened many times. The govt will still be the same as all those resigned ministers will still be able to join the next PMs govt. Its nothing to do with PANIC or any other bullshit you fantasise about.
Which puppet will we get next? The plot thickens!
Also picked up today that the FBI & Mi5 held a joint meeting in the u.k. without an agenda except the usual China China China diversion
They did yes, seems like panic from 5 eyes at the moment, let's watch Australia and New Zealand!!!
This is how a govt removes a prime minister in the UK. You obviously don't understand how it works. They do this every few years when a PM fucks up. Its happened many times. The govt will still be the same as all those resigned ministers will still be able to join the next PMs govt. Its nothing to do with PANIC or any other bullshit you fantasise about.
Fcuk off kunt, I live there ya cockwomble.