I heard that German ones are rising up too. This is a necessary move for them. If they don't rise up they will be wiped out just like the farmers were during the Russian Communist revolution.
The lying MSM claims the degenerates of society are an oppressed group and props them up. However, farmers work their rear ends all day dusk to dawn and then have to worry about the government trying to destroy them and steal their lands. If that isn't a real oppressed group, I don't know is.
Current politicians are using the Gulag Archipelago as an operations manual and farmer's are the 1st target. It actually makes sense. If you want to kill off a huge percentage of the populations, you look to the the experts on mass murder (communists) and see how they did it. Farming reforms are an excellent way to eradicate a lot of people.
I heard that German ones are rising up too. This is a necessary move for them. If they don't rise up they will be wiped out just like the farmers were during the Russian Communist revolution.
The lying MSM claims the degenerates of society are an oppressed group and props them up. However, farmers work their rear ends all day dusk to dawn and then have to worry about the government trying to destroy them and steal their lands. If that isn't a real oppressed group, I don't know is.
Current politicians are using the Gulag Archipelago as an operations manual and farmer's are the 1st target. It actually makes sense. If you want to kill off a huge percentage of the populations, you look to the the experts on mass murder (communists) and see how they did it. Farming reforms are an excellent way to eradicate a lot of people.