X22 Report Official Lets see, who’s winning
- Macron lost his majority
- Draghi in trouble in Italy
- Johnson resigns
- Rutte using same tactics as Trudeau and cannot stop the farmers
- Georgia guide-stones removed
- Roe overturned
- People are remembering what a women is
- Men cannot compete on women sports
- SC supports second amendment
- CA/NY weapons ban overruled
- LA vaccine mandate for children overruled
- SC rules Illegals cannot vote in NY
- 2000 mules, confirms election fraud,True the Vote producing more election fraud evidence
- Plant in J6 unselect committee destroyed credibility
- Biden imploding, drip, drip more evidence of treason produced
- Trump’s jet ready for action, he is coming back
- Q returns
I apologize, for the gender thing…