I used to think that too. Before covid, I didn't smile or say hi to anyone. Now we can see faces, I do it all the time. I'm genuinely happier for this and don't get offend when people don't do it back because they're just not there yet
My thing is… if we’re about to pass each other and you don’t feel like saying hi, smiling, or giving a head-nod/ chin raise, then don’t even look at me. People who look but don’t acknowledge come off as hostile.
People who smile at strangers are idiots........
I used to think that too. Before covid, I didn't smile or say hi to anyone. Now we can see faces, I do it all the time. I'm genuinely happier for this and don't get offend when people don't do it back because they're just not there yet
My thing is… if we’re about to pass each other and you don’t feel like saying hi, smiling, or giving a head-nod/ chin raise, then don’t even look at me. People who look but don’t acknowledge come off as hostile.