“In other news, black people will now be referenced as Sexual chocolate people. Only due to, recently, origins have been found that black people go through a process when born called “oooohhh yyeeaahh”. Unnamed sources from @Deondwnthstreet say the evidence is without question.
This has brought on so many questions though. Why did we think they were born dark skinned? Does our best friend taste like chocolate? And will Koolaid be sued for rights to a stolen phrase?”
This is so crazy. I’m gonna msg my bro down the road, friend of mine named Deon. He’ll love this!
“In other news, black people will now be referenced as Sexual chocolate people. Only due to, recently, origins have been found that black people go through a process when born called “oooohhh yyeeaahh”. Unnamed sources from @Deondwnthstreet say the evidence is without question.
This has brought on so many questions though. Why did we think they were born dark skinned? Does our best friend taste like chocolate? And will Koolaid be sued for rights to a stolen phrase?”
This is so crazy. I’m gonna msg my bro down the road, friend of mine named Deon. He’ll love this!