She is going to ER with severe headache perhaps due to ear infection...visual changes and needs to be evaluated. Thanks for any intercession on her behalf.
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I hate hospitals but this is when they can be useful. Hope they don't push vaccine crap.
Insist on an MRI. I was having headaches with visual symptoms and got booted from ER with no resolution just the speculation of "visual migraines" and later had a massive stroke and found out all my previous issues had been smaller strokes. Today is my 6 year anniversary of the big one.
Thanks for the heads up! You really just know when something is within the range of normal or abnormal. Hope you have recovered.
Get her out of there. The fact is that you’re way more likely to die in a hospital than almost anywhere else. Better to treat her at home with some ivermectin.
Ivermectin doesn't fix every problem. Nobody should think this. There are no fix-alls in medicine.
Praying for help in all the ways it's needed, u/tweety51A.
Thank you.
I am 71...have only been in the hospital once since I was born...overnight. I couldn't agree with you more. I like to treat everything myself but there are some things you don't fool with and severe headaches are one. They know the score...believe me.