Groundbreaking Study finds Monkeypox Outbreak is result of Biolab manipulated Virus released intentionally
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Sigh.....there is no such thing as a contagious virus!!
Malone is controlled opposition who makes mllions from contracts re covid etc
You are absolutely correct. There is no such thing as a virus except in the minds of those who believe in the undead, who lurk in every household, under every bed, to feed on the fear of those who are willing to believe.
In the entire history of Virology, no virus has ever been isolated or purified. This is a incontrovertible fact.
So, what is it are we actually dealing with here?
@/u/Litecola2 provides us a clue, to which he states:
Evidently, the precursor is the small pox vaxxxine. Could other vaxxxines also be used to set the stage for this infliction.
I can't help but to think of this being referenced in Revelation:
(1) The history of the first Angel, whose plague upon the earth, is described almost in the same words with that sixth plague of the Egyptians in Exodus 9:9 . But it doeth signify a spiritual ulcer, and that torture or butchery of conscience seared with a hot iron, which accuseth the ungodly within, and both by truth of the word (the light whereof God hath now so long shewed forth) and by bitterness stirreth up and forceth out the sword of God's wrath.
(+) This was like the sixth plague of Egypt, which was sores and boils or pocks; and this reigneth commonly among Canons, monks, friars, nuns, Priests and such filthy vermin which bear the mark of the beast.
(2) See Revelation 13:16
(3) The history of the second Angel, who troubleth and molesteth the seas, that he may stir up the conscience of men sleeping in their wickedness; Revelation 8:8 .
(a) It was turned into rotten and filthy blood, such as is in dead bodies.
(+) This is like to the first plague of Egypt which signifieth all kinds of pestilences and contagious diseases.
(♣) That is, corrupt and infected. Is this the undead? Like the walking dead?
I find it provocative that of all the terms, it is the word -- "vial" that is repeatedly used in Revelation.