The Georgia guide stone story is no different that any other story that makes it onto this platform. The daily new cycle, will get multiple numerous posts in nauseam. Whenever there is something big going on, like the Japanese Prime Minister being shot, you’re going to get tons of posts. It’s no different with the Georgia guide stones. When I heard the news I thought it was the best news of the day when it happened. The fact of the matter is that there’s going to be repetitive posts here every day all day long. I’m not sure why you’re shocked that it’s no different for the guide stones.!
The Georgia guide stone story is no different that any other story that makes it onto this platform. The daily new cycle, will get multiple numerous posts in nauseam. Whenever there is something big going on, like the Japanese Prime Minister being shot, you’re going to get tons of posts. It’s no different with the Georgia guide stones. When I heard the news I thought it was the best news of the day when it happened. The fact of the matter is that there’s going to be repetitive posts here every day all day long. I’m not sure why you’re shocked that it’s no different for the guide stones.!