- The behavior is depressing and I choose to ignore it for my own mental health
- Their smile is missing and they are unintelligible
- They obviously still listen to fake news, so we live in different realities
- They are indulging in unsafe practices and usually believe the opposite
- Some of them are virtue signaling narcissists.
This may be by design, but I also remember the rule “wear a mask if you’re unvaccinated”, and recognize these may be pure bloods. What is your current reaction to masked people?
You are correct! Also, I like to think that the masked are still playing "Pandemic!"®
Yea unmasked people didn’t GAF about vax mandates, they sure as shit won’t pay attn to “wear a mask if you’re unvaxed”
Yes most people in stores in masks are vaxxed and many unmasked are also unvaxxed. I don’t make that assumption with the workers though as some companies still have mask policy for unvaxxed.
If one has no choice but to wear it for food and transport, what do you say to them?
Move. I have never worn a mask and never will. I shopped at a grocery store without a mask the entire time and drove where I pleased. There is no excuse for not moving to a saner part of the country.
Fuck that. I was born here. They can move. I stand my ground, and I don't need an "excuse".
Then why are you wearing a mask? Are you stuck in place and starving? They seem to be stuck in place, and the answer isn't to try a one-man air attack.