Could also be used for blackmail for JB to keep Hunter involved in the corrupt businesses. No blackmail then JB disowns him and no involvement in their international crime.
You could be right too! Maybe Hunter was blackmailing his own dad or the laptops were his collateral if Joe tried to kill him. Then again, in such a depraved family these pics could be the equivalent of the new puppy pictures normal people send to their parents. It’s all relative!
This is more proof Hunter is a white hat, no reason to send an ID right after something like that otherwise
Could also be used for blackmail for JB to keep Hunter involved in the corrupt businesses. No blackmail then JB disowns him and no involvement in their international crime.
But Joe could have just sacrificed Hunter like he did his older brother, baby sister and biological mother?
Yes, maybe he could have. I’m simply giving another alternative reason why Hunter would do this. I’m not suggesting either reason is right or wrong.
You could be right too! Maybe Hunter was blackmailing his own dad or the laptops were his collateral if Joe tried to kill him. Then again, in such a depraved family these pics could be the equivalent of the new puppy pictures normal people send to their parents. It’s all relative! NCSWIC
Naw, they have dirt on JB. No doubt. This pedo has so much dirt on him. Can't wait for it to come out
I can’t wait either!