It's been the go-to "gotcha" of every shill on Twitter that ever talked sh*t about the drops, and it's literally complete nonsense that's easily debunked in two seconds by simply reading the actual thread.
Q was specifically saying that Hillary Clinton was NOT about to be arrested. His entire purpose for joing that thread was to shut down some loudmouth who was claiming to be a government insider who kept claiming that Hillary was about to be arrested the following Monday.
Q was calling that guy out as a disinformation agent. He literally says "Mockingbird. HRC detained, not arrested" in the second of his two posts in that thread.
Again, all of that context is readily apparent if one simply reads the thread and both of Q's two posts within it which specifically say that Hillary Clinton is NOT about to be arrested, and that the other anonymous person he was responding to was a, quote, "Mockingbird."
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Frankly until this woman is arrested I will be a doomer. Sick of being spoon fed small wins that normies can write off or ignore. We maybe making progress but not enough to win it all. Drips are actually excused and lies defended. When my Sister in law is humbled in her stupidity then I'll believe we will stop the evil! I know the problems are huge. I know there is a plan. But we need something big! Real big. Their hate of Trump is viseral and nothing changes their minds. Why can't we just leave their stupid asses behind and blow the lid off? Their numbers are not a threat any more are they?