TL;DR: What you call your "reality" is but just a hologram, or, more clearly, a waking dream. A waking dream with more of a time delay between what you call your "thoughts", your "beliefs" (about reality), your "expectations" (about what will occur next)...and your actual "reality" aka creation or manifestation. And yet, this hologram, this waking dream, is entirely and SOUL-LY under YOUR control, YOUR command, in no different a way than how your thoughts immediately create or affect the dreams you dream while you're asleep.
Knowledge of this particular fact is exactly why someone such as Jesus (or various saints and sages throughout the ages) have been able to perform their miracles. And so, when you truly recognize this fact and this understanding, and re-arrange your beliefs (about what's going on) as well as your expectations (about what is to occur next), you begin to rapidly shift your reality into something that is more to your liking. And in the end, you wake up and become the Neo that can see right through The Matrix, because indeed, you are the One.
N-E-O => O-N-E
Hidden in plain sight, is it not? ;)
Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?
Morpheus: No Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.
Have you ever had that creeping feeling that tells you that the rest-of-the-world simply isn’t waking up FAST ENOUGH? Or that far too many people are continuing to remain stuck in that sleep mode, or, dare I say, “SHEEP mode?”
Well congratulations! For you’ve now seamlessly identified the root cause of your problems successfully indeed!
Because you see, SO very powerful are you – that even the TINIEST of your BELIEFS about “reality” – whether they’re hidden (from you) or not – manifest themselves AS your very reality!
So if you even have the TEENSIEST of negative beliefs about OTHER people – such as – “Why is EVERYONE still asleep?”, “Why are all the CHILDREN still suffering?”, “Why is so and so negative AGENDA still existent?”, “Why can’t the truth disclosure processes SPEED UP?”, “Why haven’t the conditions for ET disclosure and reunion with our star families REAL-IZED yet?”, “Why is the arrival of global peace and prosperity taking SO very long?”, “Why won’t people heal their divisions and traumas ALREADY and find LOVE?”, “Where is all of that EQUALITY that we were promised?” – and so on and so forth – well, guess what, so very POWERFUL are your thoughts that you end up creating exactly just THAT.
But that’s okay. It’s only human to make this particular mistake. I should know – I was making it only until just a few MINUTES ago.
Well, not ANYMORE.
And so, here’s the NEW thoughts that I’m now conditioning myself to think and loop-think on a regular basis instead…
“EVERYONE upon this planet is waking up faster and faster”, “ALL children upon this planet are being RETURNED to LOVE, JOY, PROSPERITY, FUN, FREEDOM and PEACE that they’ve FOREVER deserved”, “ALL negative agendas are now RAPIDLY DISSOLVING by the power of GOD”, “ALL disclosures of truth are now RAPIDLY RAMPING UP left, right and center”, “ALL disclosures of ETs and reconnections with our Star Families are now EVERYWHERE ONE LOOKS”, “PEACE is growing everywhere we look”, “PROSPERITY and EQUALITY for ALL BEINGS is growing everywhere we look”, “ALL divisions and traumas within humanity are being RAPIDLY healed”, “SUPER ADVANCED healing chambers, replicators and free energy devices are coming to life EVERYWHERE ONE LOOKS”, “the ENTIRETY of our very PLANET, its AIR, WATER, and SOILS, and ALL BEINGS upon it are being HEALED and RESTORED to their very HIGHEST forms”, and anything ELSE of beauty and benevolence that you may wish to add to THAT mix.
And now, here’s a fun little thing: I want you to say all of the above given (positive) sentences either mentally or out loud. And then, if at ANY sentence you feel that you’re LYING to yourself somehow, I want you to keep REMINDING YOURSELF (until the fact sinks in) that you’re in a DREAM being dreamed by none other than YOU, so the TRUTH is what YOU decide it to be. Because what you’re facing, in that moment of feeling “defeated” by something OUTSIDE of you, is a hidden (or partially known) Negative Belief of some kind that tells you that “reality” is being created by something OUTSIDE of you. Which it SO ISN’T.
So DO INDEED make it a point to spend some time finding out the (known or hidden) negative beliefs that are causing you to think in this way – giving your power away to an outside source – and then, SURRENDER, RESOLVE and TRANSMUTE the said negative beliefs by discarding them and sending them right back to GOD. And that is ALL you even need to DO, here.
Finally, you could also say the above sentence – “This DREAM REALITY is only and ONLY what I WANT it to be. PERIOD.” – out LOUD as many times as it takes for that TRUTH to sink in and become a PERMANENT belief of yours. Do this until there is not a SINGLE SHRED OF RESISTANCE left to rise up within you when you make the previously mentioned POSITIVE statements or affirmations about reality.
And THAT’S HOW you flip this game on its very HEAD.
Last but by no means the least, WATCH YOUR EXPECTATION.
This bears repeating because it’s super SUPER important…
Watch your expectation. Watch Your Expectation. WATCH your EXPECTATION.
If you SAY you want more and more PEACE in the world but EXPECT a bunch of wars to start up because your favourite Alternative News Source or Channeled Entity or Tarot Reader told you so (or said that it was in humanity’s highest interests) – only what you EXPECT to happen WILL BE what ultimately ENDS UP happening.
You can’t SAY you want all division to heal while internally EXPECTING things like “I hope that political party (that I hate) and its supporters get destroyed” or “I hope this religion (or group of people) that I dislike loses everything” and things like that.
You can’t have it both ways.
You can’t ride on two boats (going in opposite directions) all at the same time.
You can’t HAVE your cake and EAT IT too.
And yes, I’m not saying it’s impossible for something NEGATIVE to happen PURELY as a part of the DIVINE PLAN. But you must let the DIVINE INTELLIGENCE decide that, and NOT YOUR Ego or Mind.
Expect only and ONLY the most POSITIVE – the most BENEVOLENT things – to happen everyday, and only THOSE things shall happen.
Make hatred a thing of the past. Make negative expectations a thing of the past. Make negative BELIEFS a thing of the past.
Accept. FORGIVE. Grow up. LOVE.
And the REST shall TAKE CARE of ITSELF.
(And in more and more INCREDIBLE ways than you can even really IMAGINE, as of yet.)
Finally, I can’t even BEGIN TO TELL YOU how very CRITICAL it is for this message to reach the MAXIMUM numbers of people at this time. So please, PLEASE do EVERYTHING in your power to SPREAD IT ALL OVER.
TALK about it. TELEPATHICALLY THINK-SEND IT to ALL OF HUMANITY. Make it ACCESSIBLE for the learning or reading disabled. Set an INTENTION TO SHARE IT ASTRALLY (in the dream-planes) with ALL OF HUMANITY just before you go to sleep.
Make EVERY LAST EFFORT to SPREAD THIS MESSAGE EVERYWHERE. Because it can literally change EVERYTHING for this planet and its peoples. But you already know this, having read this message.
Let’s stop SABOTAGING ourselves through our OWN thoughts, words, actions, beliefs and EXPECTATIONS.
Let’s make a HIGHER reality HAPPEN.
Where We Go ONE, We Go ALL.
Enjoy the show.
Is it bad that I won't be satisfied without a bloodbath? Like, if they're punished discreetly but their crimes are covered up and normies are allowed to be blissfully unaware of just how unhinged the elite became because of their refusal to see facts... I'm not ok with that.
Please don't take this the wrong way, because it's perfectly natural to feel like that after what has happened - just know that it won't actually move you closer to enlightenment and peace.
I used to have terrible problems with harboring dark thoughts against people who have wronged me over the years - it just turns to poison in your gut and undermines your life.
I decided to focus on the moment and what was best for me and mine - regardless of whether it meant those others got their comeuppance or not. It took a while to subdue the dark thoughts, but it has been so worth it.
As a bonus, it seems that by freeing myself from any energy links to those people in my life who created that negativity in me the Universe decided to punish them anyway*. I have to observe such things without emotional attachment but it does help me validate my choice to move towards the light.
*Not just on the odd occasion, like - every time. Example: I was sacked from a job 1 day before my 2 year anniversary where I would have been entitled to redundancy. I took them to court for unfair dismissal, but when the court date came round it co-incided with the first day of my first contract as a freelancer.
Deciding to move forward and let go I forewent the court appearance and set out on my new (much more lucrative and boss free) career.
The bonus? They didn't turn up either and I was awarded 2 months salary, and then I found out that 6 months later the entire firm went bust.
I myself couldn't have put this any better than you, Jonathan. The thing to realize is this: Is it natural and normal to feel angry? Yes. Is it worth it to make a sincere attempt and genuine effort to transcend the said anger? Beyond a shred of a doubt.
Because the anger that we think we are putting out there isn't exactly going towards our "enemies." Instead, it is going towards us. Poisoning our own lives. Fucking up our own relationships. For instance, imagine a family in which even just one family member is perpetually angry or depressed. Just that one person is capable of ruining other people's days, being angry at someone for no reason and pissing them off in turn (who in turn become angry at even more people in their lives --- creating a perpetual anger-motion or anger momentum of sorts) and all.
Not only that, the said anger is stored in our own aura, our own energy field, becoming a powerful magnet for disease, disaster, accidents, trauma,
Holding on to negative emotions and judgements (and anger, trauma, pain, hatred, jealousy, sadness etc.) is no different than keeping an open bag full of poisonous scorpions and wasps on you 24x7. It is literally holding on to darkness, pain and doom. Far better to forgive it all, focus on healing oneself from one's wounds and hurts, and moving on.
Many people have some weird idea that if they don't hold on to all of that anger, hate, pain, sadness etc., that God or the universe would somehow forget what evil people did (or the intensity of their crimes) and whatnot. And to these ones, let me assure them very, very, clearly...
YOUR forgiving someone and healing yourself has nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with the course (and the perfection) of that which is DIVINE Justice.
There is NO ESCAPING Divine Justice.
So then, why hurt yourself for no reason whatsoever?
Enjoy the snow.
On the contrary, Christians are commanded to forgive others, even their enemies.
Proverbs 25:21-22
21 If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:
22 For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall reward thee.
Christians have the best example of forgiveness.
Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
2 Corinthians 2:9-11
9 For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things.
10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ;
11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
And if we forgive others, why would the Savior hold that sin against them, assuming they themselves repented of it?
Chance would be a fine thing - it's the middle of a heat-wave in the UK right now :)
You learned that wrestling with a pig gets you both dirty. But the pig loves it.