There is a much higher rate of pedophilia with gays and transvestites. Gays are commonly bi-sexual. Queers are gays that will have sex with animals. Lesbians are predominantly misandrous in that they hate men, and therefore hate traditional families.This essentially amounts to misanthropy (hatred of mankind). The entire LGBTQ movement is an artificial construct cobbled together by wealthy depopulation planners. It's funding is from the same financial Cabal that brought us the 'COVID' scam-demic and the resulting 'COVID' death jab.
Is good to see some of lgbt speaking out. Pedos are using them as shields to push their pedo agenda.
This is just gay taqiyya.
LGBTQ = L ≠ G ≠ B ≠ T ≠ Q.
There is a much higher rate of pedophilia with gays and transvestites. Gays are commonly bi-sexual. Queers are gays that will have sex with animals. Lesbians are predominantly misandrous in that they hate men, and therefore hate traditional families.This essentially amounts to misanthropy (hatred of mankind). The entire LGBTQ movement is an artificial construct cobbled together by wealthy depopulation planners. It's funding is from the same financial Cabal that brought us the 'COVID' scam-demic and the resulting 'COVID' death jab.