I need a new c-pap machine and have to take a new sleep test before they would give me a new one. They are denying me the sleep test and the new c-pap machine because I am not vaccinated and refuse to take the PCR test.
As I have posted here before, I have never been tested, more a mask once in June 2020, and have never taken the vaccine and I intend to keep it that way.
As Q state, “Civil suits can be quite effective.”
I have sleep apnea and it's not due to being overweight. If anything, I border on being underweight. For me, it's apparently an hereditary thing. My father was a big-time snorer and probably should have used a cpap. I didn't find out until after I was diagnosed that my father's brother also has sleep apnea, along with both of his children (my cousins). My uncle and one cousin aren't overweight, either.
I was reading a long time ago about non-obstructive sleep apnea, and doctors think it may be a chemical imbalance.
Your brain doesn’t send the correct chemical signal to breathe at night, so you just stop breathing. This is what leads to SIDS in babies.
For adults, they are developed enough to breathe again after a small pause. I think it was linked to serotonin?
I remember reading that it was something to do with a serotonin imbalance. Strangely enough, lab animals with no serotonin were fine (with breathing, but problems in other areas), but lab animals with an imbalance had apnea.
Anyways, just some info I found interesting.
That is interesting
Oddly enough, I have obstructive sleep apnea. It took quite awhile before my doctor finally decided to send me for a sleep study, as I don't fit the mold of the typical person who is prone to it. My major symptom was insomnia. I couldn't fall asleep and would routinely be up until 2 or 3 in the morning. I'd manage a couple of hours of sleep and that would be it. I was constantly exhausted because of it.
The best thing that ever happened to me was getting a cpap machine. I sleep like a baby now.