posted ago by TurdFergueson2 ago by TurdFergueson2 +22 / -1


So this whole gay amongst the school kids these days.

I literally remember the, "gay" kids in school. And they were basically the rejects. If it was a dude, which was rare. Doing it for attention from a certain click of girls.

If it was a chick, it was usually a chick that hadn't gotten any, "attention" from a dude. And then after their "first time" magically they weren't lesbians anymore. Not the case with the gay boys though.

In any case, am I an asshole for saying this? Old testament doesn't condemn lesbians. It is wired. New testament does rebuke homosexuality though.

Here's the deal, not trying to be a douche, but this is how I grew up. And what I noticed. Did anyone else notice this? Is the DS propaganda machine playing off of innocent wandering?

I feel these people are introducing things they know nothing about in the schools. School admin encouraging homosexuality among students or if you want to say, nudging them into the consideration. Paired with social media... Bad news.

I really feel like the infamous, *they" are exploiting our children. And it angers me. My niece thinks she is a boy. She is 12. She is with us for the summer and we, through the strength and wisdom of The LORD, are working through it as best we can.

But this is at home now. And I do not support or tolerate it.

I supremely dislike the current culture, because I have three girls of my own. And the WHORE agenda taking place is really upsetting me.

This was a gay rant.