In my unit we are finally getting notified that they are going to deny our Religious Accommodation Requests for the covid vaccine, on the grounds that we are not deployable assets without it. However, if you have HIV that is fine. We can still appeal it at this point, but I do not have it in me to continue to fight to stay in an organization that I no longer have trust in my leadership or confidence in the mission.
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Forcing them to kick you out is fighting from the inside. If that happens, that too will help end the tyranny. They can't kick you out if you leave voluntarily. If they do kick you out, you now have a ton of firepower you can use to fight them from the outside. You lose that firepower if they don't kick you out.
The denial for our religious accommodations now opens the door to class action lawsuits. I could appeal, but they are not going to change their mind on the appeals process. So I will be getting involved in the lawsuits to continue my fight.
I don't understand anyone in the military staying in the military and certainly don't understand anyone willing to be deployed and go fight in another country when you know the corruption in the military and politicians....
It must be hard to know your partner or child died fighting to keep the banksters rolling in money.
Once again, you are saying something that is so far removed from what I am saying, I wonder if there is any reason to even try to communicate.
I most certainly do not think that, so why would I be "operating under that impression"?
This statement makes me think that you operate under the impression that a hot war is a necessity. I promise you, if this battle turns hot, we have already lost.
The real battlefield is the Minds of Men. If it turns hot, we will be fighting the wrong enemy. Our REAL enemy is a few thousand people. That single piece of information is the only weapon we need. Getting people to want to see that information is what is happening all around us. At the moment they don't want to know. Believe me, they will. When things get real bad (long before any "sides are picked" or "shots are fired" in any massive battle) people will want to know WTF.
Letting them know, is how we win. Having fuel like "they kicked me out of the military because I wouldn't get vaxxed" changes peoples minds about who is really in charge. Especially once everyone realizes that the vaxx was neither safe, nor effective, and it was known long before they pushed it. More and more people are waking up to that every day. Many more will every day hence.
Its about 8,000,000,000 to 10,000. We win the moment about 4 billion more people realize that fact.
That is what is really going on.
This is a completely untrue statement. There is literally zero evidence to support it. That is why "people like me refuse to acknowledge it." Because evidence is what matters, and there is none.
You have zero clue what a hot war looks like if you think we are in one.
It isn't me that is going to wake normies (though I have had quite a few successes in that regard), it is the world that will wake them up. What you see as "travesty," is a wake up call. When people want to know WTF, people like me are there to help them see what's up, using evidence, not fear or propaganda, or what ifs, but actual, primary evidence.
Nobody said anything about "disarming" anyone. Molon labe bitches. But I recognize that the real battlefield is not out there, fighting the sleeping zombies we call family and friends, it is in the Minds of Men. I will die before they take my guns from me, but I'm not going to go out and start shooting, because if I do, I will die for no reason.
The war has already been won. People like you see the world going to shit and think that's bad. The world going to shit is the only way that people will wake up, and "wake up" is exactly what they are doing, in droves. Once we are united in purpose, taking out the rest of the trash becomes trivial, and we don't have to kill Grandpa to do it.