I've been looking to lose some weight and get in better shape lately, but don't really have ready access to a gym because of life circumstances. Figured I'd throw this out there and ask for some advice about working out at home to lose weight with no equipment. I mean there's the obvious push ups, situps, etc. But I'm more looking for advice on how many sets/repetitions, how many days a week, etc. Obviously I plan on dieting a bit as well, but any advice or some kind of link/graphic showing a few basic workout plans would be appreciated.
I figure this post can help some others in the same situation as well given a lot of us want to get in better shape to prepare, but don't have access to the best facilities, and whatnot.
You can check out calories-in / calories-out. There are many fitness people who make diets based on high volume, low calorie food so you're full, but not getting fat. Unless you are working out at a professional level with a body that can burn 4000 calories a day, one big step you can make is to adjust your diet by learning how many calories you are actually eating.
While I don't agree with everything Greg Ducette spouts (like chugging diet soda over water), you can check his videos about how to make low calorie dense food meals so you aren't starving while being in a calorie deficit. It should give you a good idea of what you can eat and how much of it so you aren't setting yourself up to fail.
For workouts, I'd recommend checking out Athlean-X videos and I think he also has some full body workout plans if you want to shell out some cash. His videos are also good for injury prevention and rehabilitation, but his diet plans are not based on calories, which is why I recommend combing the two and see if it's something that works for you.