Better start reading labeled folks. They’re putting crickets in your food whether you like it or not.
🦗🐝🦟 BUGS 🐛🐞🐜
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I implore you to visit northwestern Vietnam :)
Mexico? Escamoles! Chapulines!
Peru? Grubs!
Colombia? Fried ants!
I'll leave China and Thailand alone, but I think the point that humans have been eating insects for a long time is clear.
Also, paragraph 3 - pork intestines, pork blood, pork liver, pork brain, beef liver, beef tripe, chicken heart, chicken feet are commonly available in pretty much all Asian supermarkets. I learned that beef liver has the highest cooper content so if I take Zinc supplements for too long, I can just eat a small amount of beef liver.
I've also learned that testicles are such a delicacy all over the world! They're just named differently. The USA, for example has Rocky Mountain Oysters (bull testicles). I should travel to Denver sometime.
But I do agree with you 100% with paragraphs 4 - 6.