posted ago by GlennRush ago by GlennRush +7 / -0

that the Left wing and Right wing are the wings of Baphomet.

Follow the wives. Michael isn’t the only one. Far, far, from it.

Ever wonder why Janet Reno looked like that? Billy Jean king? Williams sister?

What about Jennifer garner? Jennifer Aniston? Angelina Jolie? Dua Lipa? Brittney Spears?

What about A.O.C? Nancy Pelosi? The Mona Lisa? The Birth of Venus?

Now, what about Melania? Ivanka? Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Kayleigh McEnany? Her child? Ron Desantis little “girl”?

Every wonder why criminals are “fingered” or “collared”? Did you know you can’t tell a man from a woman? Don’t take my word for it just do some research, please.