If they're unwilling, then why do they do it? The power to say no is real. The people who are willing to fight for the security of a nation allowed themselves to be fooled into doing so for the unqualified, against the unfortunate, and the ungrateful people are left alone, unprotected in their own homes, abandoned by the "unwilling".
You must be around 15 to 20 years old. Say no to the draft. Is a very ridiculous statement. You obviously dont know anything about it or way to young and naive to make that kind of statement.
Just because they'll come and round you up doesn't make it right. I'm talking about what is just. No person at any time is under any obligation to fight. Forcing one to do so makes you in the wrong. So yes, you can say no to the draft. Will it come with consequences, yes. Are those consequences just? No.
If they're unwilling, then why do they do it? The power to say no is real. The people who are willing to fight for the security of a nation allowed themselves to be fooled into doing so for the unqualified, against the unfortunate, and the ungrateful people are left alone, unprotected in their own homes, abandoned by the "unwilling".
Ever heard of a draft? Maybe think a little before saying something like the power of saying no is real.
You can say no to the draft. Refusing to fight for the jews is a right of life.
You must be around 15 to 20 years old. Say no to the draft. Is a very ridiculous statement. You obviously dont know anything about it or way to young and naive to make that kind of statement.
Just because they'll come and round you up doesn't make it right. I'm talking about what is just. No person at any time is under any obligation to fight. Forcing one to do so makes you in the wrong. So yes, you can say no to the draft. Will it come with consequences, yes. Are those consequences just? No.