I don’t know man, I can only really speak for my experience.
I personally know of 2 people who have had bad experiences, and both of these were after several enlightening ones.
My theory at the time was that maybe they had outstayed their welcome in the DMT world, or maybe their behaviour or intentions there had been, in some way, disrespectful or unwanted.
Don’t get me wrong, I can definitely see how some people could be frightened, even by the experiences I had, if they were not accustomed to the idea of alternate dimensions, astral travel or ego-death.
DMT changed my life and is easily the best thing I’ve ever done.
Probably not for everyone, though.
You have to be open to the experience. You need to be in a positive state of mind, relaxed, in a good environment.
If you are super stressed, negative, angry, you will have a horrible time.
Intention matters when dorking around with DMT.
I don’t know man, I can only really speak for my experience.
I personally know of 2 people who have had bad experiences, and both of these were after several enlightening ones.
My theory at the time was that maybe they had outstayed their welcome in the DMT world, or maybe their behaviour or intentions there had been, in some way, disrespectful or unwanted.
Don’t get me wrong, I can definitely see how some people could be frightened, even by the experiences I had, if they were not accustomed to the idea of alternate dimensions, astral travel or ego-death.