We must recognize the strengths of our enemies in order to defeat them. The left has no choice but to speak deceptively and they have mastered the art over the years. We always speak our minds straight forward and forthright. With the truth on our sides, we feel no need to play word games. They HAVE to play word games because their ideas never work in the real world.
Some examples: Illegal alien is now undocumented immigrant... Rapist is now sex offender... self defense is now murder... baby murder is now reproductive healthcare... .....
another one they are trying to make happen is white nationalism = white supremacy... essentially implying that if you are white and love your nation the Good Ol' USA then you are automatically lumped right in with the KKK.
These are the games our enemies play. lets call them on it every time. keep the record straight.
Manipulating language is advised in the leftist playbook:
"He who controls the language controls the masses."
Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals
This should be read by every conservative.