Ah I see, sorry the tubes didn't work well for you.
Yes, tinnitus is the ringing in the ear(s). I sometimes get it when my blood pressure spikes but I got it under control most of the time, especially now that I don't wear my hearing aid anymore.
My wife have several deaf relatives and the cause of their deafness is also unknown but they all suspect it's more of a genetic/hereditary thing than any symptoms they had when they were babies.
As for schools, yeah I've been noticing that in many areas, like the state I'm living in right now, who mistreat deaf people in the education system. That is very unfortunate as I went through one of the best education systems in America (that may be my opinion but how they treat the deaf students were top-notch as we received a lot of assistance and attention). My wife went through one of the worst deaf education systems ever but she came out of it fine with some minor issues but her classmates weren't fortunate enough as they've struggled to get by with the hearing people (i.e. communicating/socializing and working with hearing people).
I hope you have this figured out soon but like I said, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have!
Thanks. Personally I believe the entire public school system needs to crash and burn, but that’s an entirely different topic…
One of my nieces on my dad’s side and a cousin’s daughter on my mom’s side both had same issue as me I found out, where our ear canals grew straight out rather than a downward slope like most people which didn’t allow for proper drainage of fluids like normal folks, causing hearing and speech struggles when they were growing up.. Thankfully tubes helped both of them.
Ah I see, sorry the tubes didn't work well for you.
Yes, tinnitus is the ringing in the ear(s). I sometimes get it when my blood pressure spikes but I got it under control most of the time, especially now that I don't wear my hearing aid anymore.
My wife have several deaf relatives and the cause of their deafness is also unknown but they all suspect it's more of a genetic/hereditary thing than any symptoms they had when they were babies.
As for schools, yeah I've been noticing that in many areas, like the state I'm living in right now, who mistreat deaf people in the education system. That is very unfortunate as I went through one of the best education systems in America (that may be my opinion but how they treat the deaf students were top-notch as we received a lot of assistance and attention). My wife went through one of the worst deaf education systems ever but she came out of it fine with some minor issues but her classmates weren't fortunate enough as they've struggled to get by with the hearing people (i.e. communicating/socializing and working with hearing people).
I hope you have this figured out soon but like I said, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have!
Thanks. Personally I believe the entire public school system needs to crash and burn, but that’s an entirely different topic… One of my nieces on my dad’s side and a cousin’s daughter on my mom’s side both had same issue as me I found out, where our ear canals grew straight out rather than a downward slope like most people which didn’t allow for proper drainage of fluids like normal folks, causing hearing and speech struggles when they were growing up.. Thankfully tubes helped both of them.